Date | Venue/Topic | #of attendees |
3/8/22 | Business Owners Education, Invitation only Entrepreneur org, Getting To Yes With Your Banker w/Robert Gottlich | 75 |
11/12/21 | ARA Annual Convention, Succession Planning, Valuing and Selling Your Business | 250 |
3/8/20 | Business Owners Education, Invitation only Entrepreneur org, Getting To Yes With Your Banker w/Robert Gottlich | 75 |
2/4/20 | Business Owners Education, Invitation only Entrepreneur org, potholes and barriers, success tips, Homeless to $100m | 65 |
1/27/19 | Business Owners Education, Invitation only Entrepreneur org, Getting To Yes With Your Banker w/Greg Morse | 65 |
1/27/19 | Business Owners Education, Invitation only Entrepreneur org, My forthcoming book, Homeless to $100 million, A Roadmap to Building Wealth | 60 |
3/12/18 | Business Owners Education, Invitation only Entrepreneur org, Getting To Yes With Your Banker w/Greg Morse | 50 |
11/4/17 | ARA Annual Convention, Ron’s forthcoming book, Homeless to a Hundred Million | 200 |
3/7/17 | Biz Owners roundtable entrepreneur series, Secrets to Ron’s Success | 50 |
9/24/16 | keynote, state of the industry and future, Alberta Automotive Recyclers and Dismantlers | 200 |
3/15/16 | Business Owners Education, Invitation only Entrepreneur org, Getting To Yes With Your Banker w/Greg Morse | 50 |
2/12/16 | Biz Owners roundtable entrepreneur series, Secrets to Ron’s Success | 50 |
3/27/15 | keynote, state of the industry and future, Automotive Recyclers of Canada, Toronto Canada | 105 |
2/17/15 | Biz Owners roundtable entrepreneur series, Secrets to Ron’s Success | 45 |
2/10/17 | Business Owners Education, Invitation only Entrepreneur org, Getting To Yes With Your Banker w/Greg Morse | 40 |
3/11/14 | Biz Owners roundtable entrepreneur series, How to Write A Book In 8 Hours for less than $5,000 to Become An Expert and Sharpen Your USP | 50 |
2/11/14 | Biz Owners roundtable entrepreneur series, Secrets to Ron’s Success | 45 |
1/7/14 | Business Owners Education, Invitation only Entrepreneur org, Getting To Yes With Your Banker w/Greg Morse | 40 |
2/26/13 | Business Owners Education, Invitation only Entrepreneur org, Secrets To Ron’s Success | 40 |
2/14/13 | Business Owners Education, Invitation only Entrepreneur org, Getting To Yes With Your Banker w/Greg Morse | 40 |
1/9/13 | Automotive Recyclers Assoc. Annual Convention, Improving Your E-Commerce Business | 75 |
4/13/12 | United Recyclers Group, annual convention, Event Marketing to Build Your Business | 250 |
10/15/11 | ARA Nat’l convention, Self Service, marketing and profit improvement | 125 |
9/27/11 | Entrepreneurs Society, UTA (University of TX-Arlington), dealing with bankers | 50 |
7/28/11 | Salon and Spa Professionals, Managing Cash and Taxes | 50 |
4/20/11 | Saginaw Chamber of Commerce, Dealing with bankers | |
3/11/11 | Greater Midwest Automotive Recyclers Annual Convention, Business Success in 2011, Marketing On The Web | 350 |
3/1/11 | Salon and Spa Technicians, Marketing and Growing Your Business in 2011, Take Control and Grow Your Business | 50 |
1/5/11 | Small Business Growth Group, Using Craig’s List to Grow Your Business | 35 |
2/22/11 | Private Trainer Meeting, Growing Your Business Using the Internet | 45 |
10/23/10 | Automotive Recyclers Annual Convention, Success, What’s It Worth and Who Is Gonna Get It | 1300 |
10/10/10 | Tiega Office Products Suppliers, The Care & Feeding Of Bankers, Potholes & Keyholes, Consolidation and Compaction, Peer Mentoring | 750 |
9/18/10 | Auto Recyclers Dealer Group, Strategic Planning with Big & Easy Tool, Growing Your Business On the Web | 25 |
1/14/10 | National Tractor Parts Dealer Assoc, keynote speaker, marketing on the Web | 650 |
7/17/09 | Florida Automotive Recycling Annual Conference, Keynote, Future of Auto Recycling, also Cutting Costs in Dismantling, Strategic Planning with Big & Easy Analysis | 600 |
4/30/09 | Arlington Chamber of Commerce | 65 |
1/15/09 | National Tractor Parts Dealer Assoc, keynote speaker | 180 |
5/21/08 | private investment fund, “salvage Parts Aftermarket” | |
5/20/08 | Tarrant County Entrepreneurs Society, Inaugural Meeting | 125 |
5/1/08 | Colleyville Chamber of Commerce, secrets of success for small businesses | 150 |
4/26/08 | Texas based law firm, partner meeting, how to grow the firm | |
3/7/08 | Bear Stearns Private Investment Group, salvage/insurance/auctions/LKQ investing in salvage companies | |
3/1/08 | 1st annual Saskatchewan Recyclers Conference | 150 |
6/27/07 | Brookhaven College, Entrepreneur Class, Mr. Mission Possible, Keys to Success | 465 |
3/23/07 | Ranch Cordoba Auto Recyclers Assoc, How to Create Synergies and Profits | 85 |
3/14/07 | International Truck Parts Assoc. Annual CONFERNCE keynote speaker | 135 |
9/27/06 | American Bankruptcy Institute, Podcast/interview about transactions, terms and small business success | 550 |
8/24/06 | Tarrant County Used Car Dealer Assoc, Innovation and Growing Your Business | 55 |
8/20/06 | Florida Automotive Dismantlers & Recycling Assoc annual Meeting and Cruise | 550 |
6/15/06 | Kiwanis Club of Ft Worth, Tenets of Success | 150 |
6/6/06 | BOMA (Building Office and Managers Assoc), keys To Success | 135 |
4/26/06 | SMU (Southwest Methodist University) Southwest Venture Forum-Keys to Success | 250 |
4/26/06 | IT Recycling national Conference, Mr. Mission Possible, Tenets of Success | 26 |
12/13/05 | White Settlement Chamber of Commerce | 29 |
11/17/05 | Saginaw Chamber of Commerce | 20 |
9/22/05 | ARA Nat’l convention/keynote speaker, State of the Industry | 28 |
9/5/05 | Seminar Greenleaf Enviormental updates/new policies | 65 |
8/26/05 | Seminar Greenleaf enviormental training | 31 |
8/12/05 | Seminar Greenleaf Use of Tracking Pixels, IP protection policies | 30 |
7/28/05 | Seminar Greenleaf Web initiatives, Site optimization | 55 |
6/6/05 | Seminar Greenleaf Safety presentation | 24 |
5/19/05 | United Recycling Group National Conv, Keynote, State of the Industry | 150 |
5/3/05 | Lions Club, N Ft Worth | 24 |
3/30/05 | Seminar Greenleaf extended warranties, training | 150 |
3/28/05 | University of North TX MBA class | 125 |
3/17/05 | Seminar Greenleaf buying right, lowering COG, mgr training | 85 |
2/22/05 | University of N TX. Entrepreneur Society, Passion and Success | 16 |
2/8/05 | Seminar Greenleaf pay by the car training | 17 |
1/20/05 | Seminar Greenleaf boot camp, enviormental training | 55 |
1/10/05 | Seminar Greenleaf manager training, hiring salespersons | 16 |
1/5/05 | Seminar Greenleaf pay by the stop, new efficiencies | 26 |
11/12/04 | New York Automotive Recyclers Assoc. annual conference | 250 |
10/22/04 | Part Plus Australia, 23 Location Franchise Group, Challenges to Growth, Opportunities and Synergies as the Market Leader | 75 |
10/15/04 | Auto Recyclers of Australia, Keynote speaker, Technological and Competitive Changes to Expect | 20 |
10/9/04 | Automotive Recycling Assoc. Annual Conference, Keynote speaker | 525 |
9/28/04 | Pennsylvania Automotive Recycling Trade Society Annual meeting | 165 |
4/26/04 | United Recycling Group National Conv, Keynote & Breakout sessions, won most requested speaker award | 250 |
10/27/03 | Automotive Recyclers of Michigan Annual Meeting | 65 |
10/8/03 | North Dakota Auto Dismantlers Annual Conference | 110 |
5/12/03 | United Recycling Group National Conv, Keynote & Breakout sessions, marketing, inventory valuation, pay for performance | 75 |
4/7/03 | Greater Midwest Recycling Expo, keynote speaker | 85 |
1/3/03 | Ft Worth Lions Club, Intro of new Book “Salvaging Millions” | 7 |
9/21/01 | Wisconsin Recyclers Assoc. Annual meeting, keynote speaker | 120 |
3/23/93 | AutoInfo Annual Conference Keynote speaker, marketing and buying | 40 |