Web Analytics Consulting

Web analytics–the collection and analysis of web data for website optimization–is an important part of any business’s internet presence these days and web analytics consulting is a necessary component of your company’s online marketing strategy.  You need a web consultant like Ron Sturgeon to help you develop a web analytics strategy to works for your…

Corporate Web Strategy

You hired a highly acclaimed web designer, bought up all the relevant domain names and pay hundreds of dollars a month on advertising. So why aren’t you seeing any substantial web traffic? It’s because you don’t have a solid online marketing strategy to back it all up. Your corporate web strategy can make all the…

Web Site Strategy

Creating a Web site is only the first step to a presence on the internet for your business. Developing a Web site strategy is the next and requires using processes to get and keep people on your Web site. The most important, getting people to your Web site, involves search engine optimization (“SEO”). This is…

Web Analytics Consultant

If your business is not technically savvy by now then chances are you are going definitely going to drown in a sea of sharks.  That is why you need to incorporate a productive search engine optimization strategy.  A useful s.e.o. strategy can do wonders for your business because it seems like the world practically operates…